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国际经济政治学院简介 School of International Economics and International Relations








School of International Economics and International Relations is one of the main contractors of Applied Economics, a national "Double-First Class" construction discipline of Liaoning University. Inheriting the advantages and history of the former School of International Economics and School of International Relations, the School was renamed School of International Economics and International Relations in June 2020, aiming to build a School with the main feature of cultivating talents with an international perspective. The School undertakes the construction of World Economy, International Trade, and Northeast Asia cooperation in Applied Economics, a national "Double-First Class" construction discipline. The School also undertakes the construction of Theoretical Economics, a First-class discipline in Liaoning Province.  The Department of World Economy is a national key discipline.

School of International Economics and International Relations has a highly qualified faculty and academic team. Song Zexing, Jin Mingshan, and Feng Shunhua have laid a good foundation for this discipline, and Cheng Wei and Yu Miaojie are famous domestic leading scholars in this discipline. The School has outstanding teachers, including high-level talents with national honorary titles, chief experts of major projects funded by the National Social Science Foundation, and special allowance recipients of the State Council. The School employs 56 faculty members, including 41 full-time teachers, 13 professors, 15 associate professors, 9 doctoral supervisors, and many young experts with enthusiasm for scientific research. There are a number of national talents in the faculty. In 2017 and 2022, Liaoning University is the only provincial university whose Applied Economics discipline has been selected for two consecutive rounds of national "Double-First Class" construction discipline and Northeast Economic discipline, and the School of International Economics and International Relations is one of the main contractors of this discipline.

School of International Economics and International Relations consists of four departments: International Politics, World Economy, Digital Economy, and Korean Studies, as well as a virtual teaching and research office for Digital Economy. The School actively explores joint schooling model, co-establishing the Liaoning University Research Center for New Structural Economics with the Institute of New Structural Economics of Peking University and the China Institute of Business Development (Beijing) with Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation.The school hosts several high-end research centers and think tanks, including the Macau Socio-Economic Development Research Center of Liaoning University, the Northeast Asia Research Institute of Liaoning University, the Regional Country Studies Institute of Liaoning University, the Center for North and South Korean Studies of Liaoning University, the East Asia Research Center of Liaoning University, and other research institutions, as well as the secretariat of the Liaoning Association for World Economy in the School. It also maintains a mutually supportive relationship with the high-end research platform for overseas scholars, the Li Anmin Institute of Economics of Liaoning University.

The School offers a complete range of educational levels, from undergraduate to doctoral programs. It has four undergraduate majors: International Politics, Korean Language, Digital Economy, and International Economics and Trade (Second Degree), of which International Politics was approved as a national First-class undergraduate major construction point in 2021; eight academic master's degree programs in World Economy, Transitional Economics, New International Political Economy, Free Trade Zone Theory and Practice, International Politics, International Relations, Diplomacy and Asian and African Languages and Literature, and two professional master's degree programs in Finance and International Business; four doctoral degree programs in World Economy, Transitional Economics, Comparative Political Economy and New International Political Economy; a postdoctoral station in Theoretical Economics.

At present, School of International Economics and International Relations has 500 undergraduate students, 500 master students and 40 doctoral students. Students of the School have achieved outstanding results in the National English Competition for College Students, Korean Competition, National College Student Challenge Cup Competition, China College Students' 'Internet+' Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, and other professional competitions in Finance and International Business.

The School actively engages in academic exchanges with foreign institutions. It has invited renowned domestic and international scholars to give lectures at the School. It also sends students and visiting scholars to the United States, the United Kingdom, and European countries for further studies and lectures. The School has established extensive intercollegiate exchange relationships with universities in the United States, Russia, Australia, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, and other countries.

Since its establishment, the School has trained nearly 5,000 talents of various levels and types for the country. The graduates are distributed in party and government organs at all levels, economic management departments, financial and trade departments, enterprises and institutions, colleges and universities, troops and scientific research institutes, and many of them have become leaders and business backbones of their units or departments, making important contributions to the economic revitalization and development of Northeast China and the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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