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数字经济系 Digital Economy
2023-08-27 14:29  

本专业培养系统掌握经济学、数字经济以及计算机与数据科学相关等的基本理论、基本知识、基本技能和基本方法,熟悉国内外数字经济运行规律及创新发展实践,能够熟练运用信息经济、网络经济、现代信息技术分析方法,具有较强的专业能力和良好的综合素质, 能在科研部门、教育单位、企业、事业、技术和经济管理部门从事相关工作的高级复合型专门人才。


数字经济专业顺应了世界发展大势和推动数字经济发展及治理的客观需要。国内外数字经济广阔的发展前景和巨大影响力意味着数量巨大的人才需求。目前兼具敏锐的市场直觉和对市场海量信息的快速处理和反应能力、并熟悉数字经贸规则、熟练掌握外语、拥有开阔的国际化视野的数字经济复合型人才非常稀缺, 市场需求潜力巨大。本专业学生培养全部纳入辽宁大学新结构经济学实验班。


In order to comply with the trend of world economic development and promote the needs of digital economy development and governance, the Digital Economy major has been set up, which is a cutting-edge interdisciplinary major. Given the widespread opportunities for expansion and impact presented by the digital economy, there is a marked need for individuals possessing the requisite skills. However, relevant talents with keen market intuition, rapid processing and response ability to massive market information, familiarity with digital economic and trade rules, proficiency in foreign languages, and a broad global perspective are conspicuously rare in our contemporary era. Therefore, there exists a substantial potential demand.

The objective is to foster students’ all-round moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic grounding with a hard-working spirit, and let them acquire a thorough understanding of the fundamental principles, theories and techniques of economics, digital economy, and computer and data science. Students must possess the knowledge of implementation regulations and pioneering advancements of the digital economy at home and abroad, and be able to skillfully use the analysis methods of information economy, network economy, and modern information technology. Professional abilities and broad-ranging qualities will enable them to become high-level interdisciplinary professionals in scientific research departments, educational institutions, enterprises, state institutions, technology and economic management departments. The pupils pursuing this major are enrolled in the Liaoning University New Structural Economics Experimental Class administered by both Peking University and Liaoning University.

The curriculum comprises of a range of courses encompassing diverse topics such as Political Economics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Econometrics, Finance, Public Finance, Accounting, Statistics, Data Science and Python for Data Analysis, New Structural Industrial Economics, International Political Economy, Data Mining and Business Intelligence, Game Theory, IT Fundamentals, Introduction to Digital Economics, Digital Economy Technology, Academic English for Digital Economy and Trade, Cross-Border E-commerce, and the Theory of Digital Finance and Cryptocurrency.

The faculty consists of many exceptional individuals. All of them possess PhDs and some have had the opportunity to study abroad. They have obtained their degrees from prestigious institutions both domestically and internationally, like Peking University, Jilin University, Nankai University, University of Kentucky in the United States, and Hokkaido University in Japan. The program gathers a large number of talented staff, such as one level-2 professor (the professorship system in China falls into four levels), two experts enjoying the special government allowance granted by the State Council, three “Climbing Scholars” in Liaoning Province, one discipline leader of higher learning institutions in undergraduate in Liaoning Province and two outstanding young talents in the “Revitalizing Liaoning Program”.

Graduates have bright prospects. They could further their academic studies at top-tier universities, either at home or abroad, by satisfying the requirements of the national postgraduate entrance examination or obtaining a recommendation for postgraduate studies. Furthermore, they could also work in national law enforcement authorities, leading Internet companies, multinational enterprises and others.

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